I was struck by Alonzo Weston's column in Wednesday's News-Press for many reasons. In it he admits his desire for a brand-new high-tech TV and his quest for the best price and best quality. He admits his willingness to stand in line for a long time to get a good deal.
Then he relates his conversations with other people standing in line--but this line is at the Open Door Food Kitchen. He shares their stories of day-to-day survival. Then he tells about how after hearing their stories, he's given up on his quest for a new TV (at least for a while).
Of course, one reason the column stands out is because our church works at the Open Door Food Kitchen twice a month. I try to be there as often as I can. The experience is always humbling--serving the food our church members have prepared. I usually get the spot of handing out fruit for some reason. The folks there that take the bananas, apples and oranges seem to like it because they can take the fruit with them to eat later--when they may or may not have a meal. It is humbling, because my daily worries are not about survival.
I recently had a discussion with a good friend of mine about just this issue. He wanted to buy a big new plasma screen but was wondering if it was ethical to do so, since he is a Christian and there are after all so many people out there with so little. It is a question that is relative for each person based upon what they have or can afford. I don't think of myself personally as rich by any means, but when I consider the majority of people in the world live on far less than I have, do I really need as much stuff as I have? Could I do with having and acquiring less in order to help someone else have the basic necessities of life? I'm sure the answer to these questions are no and yes respectively.
Grace and Peace,
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