Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Recommended Reading, Listening and Watching--4-6-16 edition

Recommended Reading and Listening
On a more or less regular basis, I share my thoughts with the congregation I serve including a list of links to stuff I think are worth reading, watching and listening to.  Here's the latest list:

CCCUCC in the News
United Church of Christ in the News
  • UCC Leaders Speak Out Against North Carolina Transgender Law
  • Great story of what happened when a UCC church in OK was picketed and harassed by an extreme anti-abortion group--area Muslims, Jews and atheists came out to protect their Christian neighbors.
  • For Earth Day this year, the UCC is urging congregations to speak out on keeping existing fossil fuels in the ground rather than exploiting them and furthering climate change.  The campaign is called "Keep It In the Ground."
SJR 39 the MO LGBTQ Discrimination Bill
MORE2 in the News
Faith and the Election Season
Race and Racism
God and American Culture
  • What Dave Ramsey Doesn't Get About Poverty by Rachel Held Evans--I'm the first to admit my family uses Ramsey's financial management tools, and they work for us, but my wife and I are white and middle class. I don't think Ramsey's financial management principles are unique to him, but rather he's just better at marketing them to Christians than others. When Ramsey gets into politics, he steps out of financial principles and into an ideology that ignores systematic racism and systematic poverty as barriers to economic advancement. As Rachel Held Evans says, his "blame the poor" philosophy ignores scriptural precedent, not to mention the teachings of Jesus. We will continue to use Ramsey's tools, because they are accessible and they are working to get us out of debt, but I never have nor will I ever respect the man Dave Ramsey.
  • Persecute Me Please: God's Not Dead 2 and the Evangelical Lust for Victimhood  This nails what's wrong with American evangelicalism. It's written by a skeptic, but I feel closer to him than I do to people who turn out for awful films like this one.
Misc. Stuff I think is Cool

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