Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What Should You Do With Your Life?

I forgot to list here on my blog the book I mentioned in my July 27 sermon "Are You Keeping God on Hold" based on Matthew 13:31-33 and 13:44-52. I was preaching on how God may call us to new ways of living or even new vocations, and I shared a story from Po Bronson's book What Should I Do With My Life?

I picked up the book in an airport book store a few years ago when I new it was time for something different than what I was doing in New York and I was struggling with what kind of ministry was next for me. The book was very helpful for me to think through what makes for real fulfillment in life and how often what will bring us the greatest joy is right in front of us. It is not a book about Christianity or really a religious book at all, but it does touch on many themes and ideas with religious overtones--fulfillment, meaning, purpose, joy, etc.

Bronson is perhaps best known for his 1999 book, The Nudist on the Late Shift, about the dot-com bubble in Silicon Valley, but he has a number of books and articles about a variety of topics. His web site is well worth visiting. The section on What Should I do With My Life? has excerpts from the book and further information about its themes.

To get a shorter synopsis of what the book says, you can read an article he wrote about the findings of his book at Fast Company or listen to him talk about it on NPR.

Grace and Peace,


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