Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lenten Reading Day 9--Waiting

Henri Nouwen writes:

"Jesus does not fulfill his vocation in action only but also in passion. . . Passion is a kind of waiting – waiting for what other people are going to do. . . That is the great drama of Jesus’ passion: he had to wait upon how people were going to respond.  How would they come?  To betray him or to follow him?  In a way, his agony is not simply the agaony of approaching death.  It is also the agony of having to wait.

All action ends in passion because the response to our action is out of our hands.  That is the mystery of work, the mystery of love, the mystery of friendship, the mystery of community – they always involve waiting.  And that is the mystery of Jesus’ love.  God reveals himself in Jesus as the one who waits for our response."

Henri Nouwen, "From Action to Passion," from A Spirituality of Writing in The Weavings Reader ed. by John Mogabgab.  Copyright 1993 by the Upper room, as reprinted in Bread and Wine: Readings for Lent and Easter, copyright 2003 the Plough Publishing House. 

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