Thursday, January 21, 2010

Churches Reaching Out by Caring for the Earth

(For those who are my Facebook friends, this post and others today may look familiar, since I posted them there first.)

I read with interest the NY Times article this week about churches in the Northwest who are connecting with their communities over environmental issues. The article mentions a PCUSA church hosting a farmer's market in its parking lot to help its neighbors eat locally grown food. It also tells of a UCC church that underwent an energy audit to find ways to make its building more energy efficient. Of course, it also described how difficult it is to make older church buildings more environment-friendly without breaking the bank--especially for struggling mainline congregations.

An interesting article with some great ideas about how a church can not only be good stewards of creation but also demonstrate to people outside the church that some Christians really do see such efforts as a vital part of their faith.

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