Thursday, January 14, 2010

Giving to help the people of Haiti

Today I chose to give the $100 my in-laws gave me for Christmas to Haiti earthquake relief. I've been thinking about what to do with it for the last few weeks, but I decided it will do more good there than whatever I would have bought will do me. I share this not to make myself look good but to encourage others to give sacrificially. Together our small gifts can help in this terrible time of need.

I gave to Week of Compassion which is how the Disciples of Christ denomination funnels funds and resources to disasters like the Haiti earthquake. Horrible disasters like this one are why we have the WOC offering every year at our church and Disciples congregations across the United States and Canada. The work with local partners in Haiti with whom they have longstanding relationships. The Week of Compassion web site has detailed and on-going information about how our funds are being used to help the people of Haiti.

We will be having a special offering the next two Sundays at First Christian Church of St. Joseph, MO for the victims of the Haiti earthquake.

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