Friday, May 22, 2020

Are You Feeling Afraid Today?

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear
--1 John 4:18 NIV
There is so much to be afraid of right now.  When an invisible virus that can potentially kill you can spread from someone who exhibits no symptoms, fear seems appropriate.  When 40 million Americans are unemployed, it is natural to fear for one’s livelihood and security.  When one lives on fixed income and the stock market crashes with devastating effect upon your retirement fund, fear is understandable.  Fear is everywhere.
On Sunday morning, I’ll be preaching on 1 John 14-21.  Here’s a preview.  The author of the letter writes about fear and the context of these verses is a discussion of loving God and others.  The writer describes how fear becomes a barrier to experiencing God who is Love.  The writer assures us “perfect love drives out fear,” but sometimes we would rather hold on to fear or maybe we lack the strength to do anything other than be afraid.
The well-known African American writer and poet Sonia Sanchez shared in a poem about a conversation she had with her fellow well-known African American writer  Zora Neal Hurston.
The great writer Zora Neale Hurston said,
Fear was the greatest emotion on the planet Earth

and I said, No my dear sista
Fear will make us move to save our lives
To save our own skins
But love
Will make us save other people's skins and lives
So love is primary at this particular point in time. 
Fear, in and of itself, can be a good thing: we evolved to protect our own safety.  Yet, fear does not have the final word.  We were created to not only care for ourselves but also others.  Only love can motivate us to move beyond fear to sacrifice our well being for that of someone else.  Love for others.  Love for God.  Love for ourselves.  All three kinds of love are greater than fear.
If you are feeling afraid today, here is a simple way to begin overcoming it.  Look for a way to show someone else love.  Even the smallest gesture can be used by God to push back your fear and perhaps the recipient of your love will be less afraid too.  Give a hug to a family member.  Offer an overdue compliment.  Pick up the phone and call someone who needs to hear your voice.  Send a text or an email offering a word of love and encouragement.  Whatever love you can muster; God will use it to drive out your fear.
Grace and Peace,

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