Saturday, February 17, 2007

Sojourner Truth and Freedom Songs

In one of the several e-mails I subscribe to that are put out by one justice-seeking religious group or another, I saw the following quotation that seemed to fit well with what I was trying to say in last week's sermon "People First."

"Religion without humanity is very poor stuff."--Sojourner Truth

I guess Sojourner knew a bit about religion without humanity in her days as a fugitive slave and helkping run the Underground Railroad.

Speaking of her, On Tavis Smiley's weekend radio show he had a great segment Kim and Reggie Harris who have spent their musical careers singing Underground Railroad freedom songs. They share some pieces from their new CD and explain why it is worthwhile for white people and black people to listen to these songs today. They also describe the heat they have taken from both whites and blacks for singing these songs. Whites have charged them with just trying to make white people feel guilty for what their ancestors did. Blacks have charged them with holding blacks back by being stuck in the past. I would argue, and I think so would they, that we need to keep singing these songs so we don't forget how easy it was for one group of people to enslave another and to justify it with the Bible.

Grace and Peace,


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