Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Taking it to the Streets

In yesterday's NY Times, there was a great article about churches in D.C. and elsewhere that are holding services in public places for the purposes of reaching out to homeless people. The main one they profiled is called "Street Church" run by an Episcopal minister that holds services each Tuesday in a public park. The service grew out of a realization by church members that even though they offered church services in their building specifically targeted towards homeless people many did not feel comfortable coming. The homeless men and women were often afraid about how they would be perceived or treated and many are aware that they are dressed poorly or even smell due to lack of bathing facilities. When approached for help of one kind or another, the minister and church leaders refer people to social service agencies and ministries. Their goal is to simply be present where the people are.

This article speaks to me, because this service seems very much like something Jesus would do. He was present where the people were who needed him. Often they came to him, but he never shied away from being out among those to whom he ministered.

I love our sanctuary here at First Christian Church. I find it a worshipful space, but I also don't want us to be limited by it in terms of how we will faithfully share the presence of Christ with all who need it in our community. How can we be faithful both inside and outside of our four walls in our mission to be Christ's hands, feet, arms and mouths to those who need to see Christ where they live?

Grace and Peace,


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